Category: Innovation

How to Empower Equity in Education with the Help of AI

Equity in education has been a hot topic of discussion for quite a while now. After all, we are becoming increasingly aware of the inequalities in our society and the obstacles different groups of people face because of them.

Naturally, education is also affected by these. Luckily, AI and other technologies are being utilized to improve the learning experiences of students no matter what their background is. Hence, here’s how to empower equity in education with the help of AI.

#1 Organize and Manage Behavior in the Classroom Better

First and foremost, AI can help you organize and manage student behavior in the classroom better. While this is useful for bigger groups of students, it will also be effective in classrooms where only a few students are present.

Essentially, AI allows instructors to keep everyone engaged in different ways. If something doesn’t interest a specific student, they can be provided with a different kind of exercise or activity to stay engaged. This prevents such students from distracting others while also getting better at their studies themselves.

#2 Assist Students with Special Needs throughout Their Studies

Equity assumes that everyone is included in the learning process while also having the kinds of opportunities that are needed for different students to excel at their studies. In other words, it’s not just about equality – it’s about the progress these students make thanks to the tools they are provided with.

AI can help educators assist students with special needs throughout their studies without limiting the attention instructors dedicate to non-special needs students. This way, everyone can perform well and can keep up with their studies.

#3 Plan Lessons with More Precision and Improve Scheduling

Planning plays a huge role in education. If the curriculum – and, on a smaller scale, the lessons – is planned incorrectly, the entire learning journey can be disrupted. Students won’t receive the necessary knowledge in the pre-set timeframe. Fortunately, AI can be used for planning lessons with more precision and improving scheduling.

When using different AI solutions, you can get more analytics about the progress of your students and determine what will be the next steps in terms of educating them. In addition to that, the ability of AI to support students with special needs allows you to keep the progress of all your students on a relatively similar level which makes planning even easier.

#4 Collaborate with Parents on a More Personal Level

Teachers and students are not the only parties involved here – it’s the parents too. Educators should be able to establish strong relationships with the parents of their students. This can also be done with the help of AI so that there can be more collaboration with parents on a more personal level.

Until you start using AI for establishing relationships with parents, you will have to do most of the relationship-building yourself. In case you need help, you can hire a professional writer from the writing services site Trust My Paper who will help you write emails for specific occasions and send them to parents.

#5 Utilize Gamification and Adaptive Learning for Faster Progress

As mentioned earlier, AI has the unique ability to keep all students engaged in the classroom. This can be achieved by utilizing gamification as one of the learning methods. Likewise, instructors can use adaptive learning for increased personalization and, in turn, faster progress in learning.

When you use gamification in the classroom, you are making the learning process fun for your students. Not only does the learning itself become more interesting to them, but it also often becomes easier becomes of the different methods you use for delivering valuable information.

#6 Get More Accurate Analytics About Your Students

As noted before, AI is quite valuable for assessing the progress of your students and making decisions based on that. Indeed, thanks to AI, you can get more accurate analytics about your students which will help you personalize their respective learning journeys and provide them with opportunities to excel.

AI and machine learning technologies can take into account a very wide variety of factors when analyzing the progress of your students. Moreover, such technologies can also make their own predictions which means instructors don’t always have to rely on their own subjective judgment and can instead trust analytics-based predictions.

#7 Automate Administration-Related Processes in Education

Automation might not be always needed in the classroom (though it can still be used there), but it is definitely necessary for other aspects of education. More specifically, you can automate administration-related processes in education.

From scheduling to sending out emails, automation is a valuable tool for organizing the way your educational institution works. And organization, while seeming trivial for the progress of your students, could actually impact the way pretty much everything is done in your school or university.

#8 Start Making Smarter Decisions Based on Various Factors

In addition to using predictions from AI itself, you can make your own predictions and decisions based on your personal judgment. However, what will be different when using AI is that you will start making smarter decisions based on various factors. In other words, it’s better to have AI analytics to guide your decisions than relying solely on your own opinion.

You can also combine different methods for making decisions and planning. For instance, you can get AI analytics, hire an experienced writer from the custom writing website Best Essays Education, and let that writer create a detailed report for you based on those analytics. Then, you can use the report to make further decisions.

#9 Manage the School and Its Facilities Easier

Just like using AI for administration-related processes, it can also be used for managing the school and its facilities easier. Furthermore, by managing facilities with the help of different AI solutions, you can, in turn, create a more secure learning environment for your students.

For example, fire alarm systems can be set up with the help of AI to make these systems smarter. And if they are set up this way, there can be an added layer of security that will minimize potential risks and ensure increased safety.


All in all, AI can definitely be effective for empowering both teachers and students in an educational environment and providing more opportunities for equity. Of course, there are still many challenges to using AI in education and the technology’s abilities are quite limited too, but it’s still a huge step forward compared to the past.